With opportunities to come together as a community halted due to the pandemic, virtual screenings and events have become the standard for engaging family, friends and communities. To screen a film online to a group requires a public performance license. Our film’s distributor, Cinema Libre Studio (CLS), has crafted three programs for groups/clubs/organizations and non-profits to use the film for community events or fundraising!
bOObs: The War On Women’s Breasts has a runtime of 97 minutes.
Closed captioning is available.
This easy-to-execute package is our most streamlined offering. Designed for those who are already an expert on running video conferences through Zoom or Google Hangouts, this no-frills option is perfect for special interest groups, Facebook communities, and small organizations looking to host a straightforward virtual screening while orchestrating your own conversation after! This option includes the following:
- Public Performance Rights (i.e. screening license) for up to 150 guests.
- A private digital viewing link will be made available for 24 hours for guests to view. The film starts when the guests press play. Note: this is not a synchronized start.
- The film would be available in that window to guests based outside the U.S.
- Cut-and-paste copy to share with your group to explain screening instructions.
- A 25% off discount on the DVD offered to your guests.
- You may solicit donations to defray the cost of a license through your own mechanisms.
- If you’d like your group to discuss the film afterwards, we suggest you schedule a post-screening discussion via video conference of your choice to transpire immediately or the day after the 24 hour screening window.
A great fundraising opportunity! Designed for non-profit organizations with a small budget who would like to host a virtual screening event and know their supporters would make donations to cover costs... but still need some help with the ticketing/screening technology. This option allows for a private ticketed screening + donations (or donations only) to be used as a fundraising event for your organization with your group handling the post-screening video conference discussion. This package is perfect for non-profits and institutions and robust Facebook communities. This option includes the following:
- Public Performance Rights (i.e. screening license) for up to 200 guests.
- A customized Eventbrite page (set up by CLS team) with:
- All Ticket sale proceeds (minus platform fees) to go direct to your organization allowing for recoupment of the license fee.
- All donation proceeds will go directly to your organization (minus platform fees).
- Event registration.
- An easy-to-navigate landing page with the film’s trailer, a description of the film, your logo and url, a short message from the organizer about the event and details (including link) about the post-screening video conference (should you choose.)
- The video player will “go live” at the agreed time for 48 hours for guests to view. The film starts when the guests press play — it is not a synchronized start.
- Automated reminders from Eventbrite sent to guests.
- NOTE: an Eventbrite account for each guest will be required.
- The film will also be available in that 48 hour window to guests outside the U.S.
- Cut-and-paste copy to share with your group to explain virtual screening instructions.
- A 25% off discount on the DVD offered to your guests.
- CLS will provide the list of guest attendees (email list) within 5 days of the event.
- If you’d like to plan for a post screening discussion at a specific date and time, we will embed a link /video conference details into the Eventbrite page.
Our Premium Package! This option is perfect for well funded non-profits and institutions looking to host a fully-managed, stress-free film screening + Live Q&A for their members. This is a fully synchronized event featuring our most complete and customizable event options. The premium package is designed to offer your event the most support, visibility, and ease-of-execution for your organization. This option includes the following:
- A fully orchestrated screening event via platform partner Gathr includes:
- Synchronized film start time with post-screening Q&A featuring panelists of your choice immediately following + online chat in the same window makes it easy for guests to enjoy the event.
- An easy-to-navigate, customizable landing page for your event with a logo, description of your organization, and photos of Q&A panelists.
- Public Performance Rights (i.e. screening license) for up to 500 guests.
- The event can be ticketed or free with donations possible. All ticket sales and donations will go directly to your organization, minus processing fees.
- Your post-show Q&A can be live-streamed to your Facebook page
- The event would be open to guests outside the U.S. at the start time stipulated.
- CLS will provide cut-and-pasteable copy to promote and explain the virtual screening event to your quests.
- CLS will provide the list of guest attendees (email list) within 5 days of the event.
Have questions? Contact screenings@cinemalibrestudio.com to start planning your virtual screening today!